
ROXANNe says hi

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Hi, we, love holidays, you do too? Greattt. Then this blog is for you. Many of us have gone on holidays, captured those special momments, so here are ours. Bytheway,Btw. Please give us helpful comments and suggestions to improve this blog.Hi! You are the Visitor! :D

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 10:09 PM
Taiwan DAY 1.

Grand hyatt's cool wooden sculpture :)


Taipei 101. Beautiful :)

The mascot!

Map of storyland

A typical backyard.

Beep! Scooter.

Hello, hello?


Ow, that's a hot water flask!

Police station!




A post box.

Who's that?

This snack is awesome! :D It tastes like Mamee.




A push cart with a mickey mouse logo. :L



Cool camera!

Books. :)

Old posters!

Gramaphone discs


A look-alike enterance to a train station :O It was next to the restaurant.

You have to pay to hang a wish! I saw something like this in japan!

This was how they used to store old botttles. *tingting*

Marriage room!


LOOK! Its a place for sewing clothes!

An 'alley'.

The classroom.

Chalk and black boards!


Unattentive student! :BB



A push cart looking thing :D

Converted to english. it says here
big business snow white. Terrible
translations here, ay?

Olden toys. :)

The storyland looks like a real
street! Cool decorations.

More toys!

Beat of the drums. :D

This was the old cocacola, pepsi and soft drink
cartons. Cool!
An old fashioned looking
restaurant in the storyland

My dad C:

Motorcycles, cars, trains and old toys!

Me. :D

Best bananas!

So, basically, we took a flight from singapore, to taiwan via china airways. We went on tour with namho. Arived at taipei at 5-6 o'clock. Super cool weather there, breezy like air conditioner. :)
Headed for sumptious dinner at taiwan storyland, Fantastic dinner. ;D Ate pig trotter rice with sour plum tea. Was a small portion but quite yummy, and worth it. Paid $8/per bowl.
Next, took a 15 min bus ride to the mall Taipei 101. Oh yes. Fantastic stuff to buy there. From branded handbags to wallets, there's everything there that you wanna buy!
Saw mascot, quite cute ^^ A statue looking thing uh.
Next, heade to basement of mall, oh yeah! There was this fantastic dessert there, warm and delicious. Its called glutinous rice9looks like red bean) and this white chewy thing. Hard to explain, butbut! I saw the process, didn't video! :<>
SUPER YUMMY! Following which, headed to their awesome-est super market. They sold all sorts of cool food, chips and candies! We bought a value pack HASBRIO cola and gummy bears! 5 in a pack for $3? Alrights man! :) Wanted to go to night market but way too exhausted, but did go shopping along the street! Snagged some great buys, and bought some fruits. :) Jumbo and pineapples.
Thats all for day 1! Oh and we stayed in new continental taipei. Great hotel. 4*

Yours Truly; ROXANNe

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Taiwan DAY 1.